Microcapsule hair extensions

Contact us for free consultation and booking: 07926 588 288

The "hot" microcapsule method of hair extensions provides excellent results. You get the opportunity to increase the length of your hair from 4" to 32".

Benefits for customers

- It is suggested to add donor strands all over the head or on its separate parts: forehead, temples, nape.

- Hair Extensions are possible with the length of your own hair starting from 2".

- The procedure is in demand not only among women, but also among men who seek to restore the former splendor of their hair in places where it has disappeared due to ageing.

- The capsules are securely attached even to very thin hairs, without harming the bulbs. At the same time, they remain invisible.

- The connection is quick: the keratin is heated with tongs in a couple of seconds, so the thermal process does not have time to harm the hair. The gentle heating mode of the working part of the tool does not exceed 150C. This creates the prerequisites for rapid softening of capsules and instant hardening in air.

- The time between corrections increases by 2 times compared to standard capsule technology.

The subtleties of the technology in London

1. The three existing keratin colors help you choose the one that will be identified with the shade of the strands. The nano-capsules resemble little seeds. They are fixed in the root zone with tweezers with a clip width of 3 mm and are completely invisible under your own hair.

2. The donor material is attached with jewelry precision, becoming a harmonious continuation of the native hair.

3. Miniature joints are not felt under your fingers, so your significant other will not find out about your little secret.

4. Attached strands do not weigh down your hair, which means that the loss of excess is excluded (if you remember, a person can lose up to 100 hairs per day, especially when he often combs his hair).

5. You do not need to stick to any diets or limit your leisure time!

6. . Gentle hair extensions eliminate damage to the hair after returning to its original state. There is no discoloration, creases and deterioration of the native tips of the hair.

You will have to put up with only one thing-spending 3 to 5 hours in the salon. But isn't the end result worth such a temporary sacrifice?

Transform your hair, which you remain dissatisfied with! Instantly increase the length, even if you have a short hairstyle! Shine on the next holiday, causing admiration from friends and male entourage! The secret of the magical change of appearance will remain between you and the master professional Ivana Farisei!